Hire the top legal talent
We help the most successful law firms and corporate legal departments hire top attorneys. With our recruiters’ knowledge of the legal market and industry trends, we ensure you hire the most qualified candidates.
Hire top talentThe LegalHiring network of top-tier attorneys and legal employers is unmatched. Through our connections with the nation’s top law firms, legal departments, and the talented attorneys they employ, we remain at the forefront of the legal market across the country.
Our practice areas
We provide highly skilled attorneys specializing in distinct legal fields.
Family law
Personal injury
Patent attorneys
Labor & Employment
Real estate
Mergers and acquisitions
For employers
LegalHiring is the first choice for leading law firms who want to hire top attorneys. Our specialized teams have decades of experience in the legal industry working with thousands of candidates annually.
For candidates
LegalHiring connects top legal talent with the job of their dreams. Our recruiters have developed trusted relationships and unparalleled insight into key legal markets across america, ensuring you get connected with the perfect match.
LegalHiring matches top legal talent with great job opportunities.
Law firms trust us
Attorneys screened
3 year candidate retention rate