LegalHiring is the first choice for leading law firms who want to hire the top attorneys
Our recruiters have placed countless attorneys and other legal professionals in prominent law firms and corporate legal departments nationwide. Having successfully screened thousands of attorneys over many years, we can consistently deliver top talent to your firm.
Hire top talentDirect hire
Whether it is one attorney or an entire team, we act as an extension of your firm’s internal recruitment learn by sourcing candidates, interviewing them, and assisting with every step of the hiring process. 90% of our direct hire candidates remain employed with the same firm for over 3 years!
Contract and contract to hire
Close your resource gaps. Drive critical projects. Onboarding talent doesn’t need to take weeks or months. Our team of experts will work with you to identify talent gaps, business challenges, and hiring requirements. We handle all aspects of hiring, vetting, onboarding, payroll, benefits, PTO, performance management, and offboarding so you can concentrate on your practice.
Positions we fill
Our practice areas
We provide highly skilled attorneys specializing in distinct legal fields.